The Associazione DisegnoINsegno promotes the study and practice of painting and similar techniques which are intended as expressive tools alternative to speech. To this end, we offer classes of painting, engraving, drawing, watercolour, clay and paper modelling for adults and kids; weekends with en plein air painting and drawing in Bologna, outside town and in the neighbouring regions and week-long summer camps for kids.

Antonio Postacchini
He graduated with a Fine Arts degree from the Fine Arts Academy and a History of Arts degree from the University of Bologna. Painter, graphic designer, painting and art teacher, art historian and art curator.

Sabrina Kaulard
She graduated with an Industrial Design degree from the ISIA, Industrial Design College of Florence, equivalent to a Fine Arts degree. She worked as a lighting designer for Targetti Sankey and Plastimoda Mandarina Duck; as a teacher for Centro Antartide, Mus.e Bologna and Cefal; she is specialised in paper modelling techniques and creates objects with paper.
Elena D'Anna
Born in Venice in 1985. Educator and trainer for underprivileged children, pre-teens and teenagers; educator for rehabilitation/therapeutic program centres, for youth aggregation centres, afterschools, schools and professional institutions. She worked in Venice for prominent institutions and important cultural artistic events, such as: LaBIENNALE, Fondazione PINAULT, Peggy GUGGENHEIM Collection. She is currently completing her second degree in Education.
Paola Tandurella
Born in Gela in 1988, she graduated in Modern Philology. She worked as an educator at summer camps in Sicily (Gela and Catania); since 2016 language teacher for schools and private institutions in Bologna and as a special education teacher for students with special needs for the vocational training centre CEFAL in Bologna.
Alberto Pollini
Born in Cesena in 1986. In 2009 he completed his drama education at the Scuola di Teatro Colli (Bologna). In 2014 he becomes Theatre Operator at the rehabilitation centre Casa dei Risvegli Luca De Nigris (Bologna). In 2016 he completed his Psychomotor Education at I.F.R.A.